Health & Diet

Navigating Your Options: How to Choose the Best Abdominal Surgery Provider for Your Needs

Finding the abdominal surgery provider is a decision that can greatly impact your health. We help you navigate the process.


Keeping Your Lips Happy and Healthy: A Comprehensive Guide to Lip Care

While one of the most noticeable parts of our body, lips often don’t receive the care they deserve. Here’s a comprehensive guide on lip care.


A Wholesome Journey: 7 Steps to Eating Healthier

Looking for a healthier lifestyle? Here are seven practical steps and suggestions you can try to help you embark on a journey towards eating healthier.


Revitalize Your Beauty Routine: Tips for Springtime Renewal

As winter fades away and the flowers begin to bloom, it’s time to embrace the spirit of renewal and refresh your beauty routine for spring.


Spring Into Fitness: The Best Ways to Get in Shape for the Season

Whether you’re aiming to boost your energy levels, tone your body, or looking to feel healthier, here are some of the best ways to get in shape for spring.


Here Are The Best Fall Foods To Help With Weight Loss

Fall has its fair share of nutritious foods that can easily fit into our lifestyles, and help us keep the pounds off during fall. Here are some of them.


The Healthiest Diet Plans Of 2023

If you are looking to be healthier this year, and achieve your goal of losing weight, here are the top three diet plans of 2023 you may want to look closer at.


How To Get Rid Of Your Winter Fat

It’s almost time to shed our extra layers for clothing that’s a little more revealing, which means it’s time to get rid of our winter fat. Here are some tips and suggestions to give you a little motivation and inspiration, to help you get back to your preferred weight in no time.


15 Easy & Healthy Office Snacks

As many of us begin the return to the office, continuing to eat a healthy, balanced diet is a must. While life in the office can prompt you to eat things you wouldn’t normally eat (i.e. junk food), it helps to take a little time to prepare a few things from home, helping to curb […]


5 Of The Latest Superfood Trends

  So-called ‘superfoods’ have been trendy for quite a few years now. Everything from cauliflower to kale has been considered a superfood at one time or another. Is it time to kick-start your day with one of the latest superfoods? CNN has put together a list of the latest and its fair to say, we’ve […]


Canada Offers Up Nature As A Prescription

  Is it time to get back to nature? On Jan. 31, Parks Canada announced its support for an initiative launched by BC Parks Foundation called PaRx. PaRx is driven by health-care professionals who want to improve their patients’ health by connecting them to nature. Four provinces are now allowing doctors and other licensed health-care […]


High Fiber, Low Carb Foods To Add (Or Keep) To Your Diet In 2022

  So many of us use this time of year to set positive goals with some of the most popular goals related to diet and wellness. Consider kickstarting your 2022 with a resolve to eat a little healthier. See below for some our our favourite low-carb foods that are fiber-filled and good for you! Chia […]


Tips & Tricks That Help With Bloating

  Many women are challenged with occasional (or in some cases frequent) bloating. A case of bloating can come on for a variety of reasons and at various times. See below for a list of tips and tricks that may help you deal better with your battle with the bloat.   1. Exercise. Go for […]


5 Fantastic Foods To Stock Up On This Fall

  Fall is in full swing and we’ve compiled five of our favourite fall foods to stock up on this fall.                


How To Stay Motivated To Exercise

  Are you losing interest in exercise or looking for tips on how to stay motivated? Read on for some simple tips on how to stay motivated to exercise.  Set up a weekly or monthly schedule. Note the days and times you want to work out and stick to them. Create a workout space. A […]