
Leftover Women Become Power Women #changedestiny


Imagine you are 25, arguably the best age to celebrate and love life, and in the meantime you are now known as a leftover woman or an old maid. Unimaginable, right? Maybe in the Western culture where years of feminism and the melting pot of many different cultures have allowed women a certain degree of freedom- but not so in many more traditional societies.

Here in North America we have become used to speaking our minds and standing up to our parents if need be, in the areas of love and marriage. In many parts of the world where marriage and relationships are more traditional, one’s love life becomes a family affair and young women are pressured to follow their family’s wishes where the choices of a husband is concerned. This incredible moving video, shows the pressure felt by Chinese women to follow family traditions and get married by the age of 25, so as not to hurt or bring disgrace to their parents. Following the lives of several successful Chinese women who have preferred to wait and look for love or outright remain single, the video shows us glimpses of their lives and their relationship with their parents. In the end, the women find the strength to stand up for themselves and assert their independence. The video also speaks to the changing norms of that conservative society. It’s a must watch.

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