Page 19 - Real Style September 2017
P. 19

Sleeping BeAuTieS STephen And owen King Stephen King has worked with his oldest son on a few collabora- tions, but never with his young- est son, Owen. Together they developed this novel that takes place in a world where something has happened that has caused all the women to go to sleep. While sleeping they are shrouded in a cocoon-like gauze that causes them to become feral and vio- lent if awoken. In a small town
in West Virginia, one woman is immune to the curse, and faces judgment from the abandoned men who can’t decide if
she should be studied to
 nd a cure for the other
women, or slain because
she is different.
SomeThing liKe
evA woodS
Eva Woods is quickly ris-
ing to become one of the top
must read women’s  ction
authors in North America. In
this, her third novel, she tells
the story of a broken woman
named Annie who is bored with her life, but who is unwilling to change until her roommate Polly takes it upon herself to help her. Polly cre- ates the hundred day challenge, where she challenges Annie to do one thing every day, for a hundred days, that makes her happy. Polly has problems of her own, however, and if her chal- lenge works and Annie decides letting people in is a risk worth taking, she
is going to need Annie to be there for her too.
foreST dArK
niCole KrAuSS
The New York Times bestselling author returns with a novel about personal transformation that binds together two completely differ- ent people whose spiritual search leads them to the same place: an Israeli desert. One is a success- ful 68-year-old lawyer whose life is in  ux. He’s in the middle of a divorce, has just started retirement and is dealing with his parents’ deaths. He suddenly decides to give away all his possessions
and travel to Israel to honour his parents. The other story follows
a young, well-known novelist who travels to Tel Aviv in hopes
of unlocking her writer’s block while leaving thoughts of her failing marriage behind. She gets drawn into a mystery that changes her life in a very unexpected way. It’s a story about change and self-realization, and look- ing beyond what is right in front of you.
The Child finder rene denfeld
This suspense novel  nds a private investigator using her unique insights to try to  nd a little girl who has been missing for three years. Her search leads her to the Paci c Northwest, where she starts to  nd similarities between the girl’s disappearance and her own childhood disappearance. The Child Finder is Denfeld’s second novel, and she draws upon her own experi- ences as a licensed investigator to help make her story more realistic.

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