Page 31 - Real Style July 2018
P. 31

NR: Self-care! Self-care in my opinion is the best type
of preventative medicine. However, with busy and overscheduled lives, taking care of our health is often at the bottom of our to-do list.
In order to live our healthiest lives, we have to make self- care a priority. Healthy living is a right, not a privilege. We must understand that we each have a right to live healthy and pain-free lives. My goal as a health care practitioner is to help my patients understand self-care so they can be equipped to become their own health advocates.
RS: What is the most common health question you are asked?
NR: How do I get better posture? The average Canadian sits for over
11 hours per day. That’s almost half the day
hunched over at our
desk or on our phones.
The best advice I can
give any one is firstly,
take time to strengthen
your postural muscles.
It is not enough to tell someone they should
sit up straight. If the
postural muscles are not
able to support you, you
will be hunched over in
no time. I spend most
of my day teaching
patients how to engage the muscles between the shoulder blades. When these muscles are working optimally, the body is able to align the shoulders back and down, helping to keep the spine straight. Once the muscles are engaged, the next step is to be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to how your work station is set up. Is your screen directly in front of your line of vision? Are you sitting with your feet flat on the floor? Are you sitting far back enough in your chair to allow for proper spinal support? If we have to spend at least eight hours a day sitting at a desk, we want to ensure that our environment is supportive of good posture.
RS: We all know about the
importance of daily exercise, healthy eating, etc. What tips do you have to break bad habits and prioritize wellness?
  NR: There are no quick fixes or magic pills to a healthier lifestyle. Research has proven, repeatedly, that proper nutrition and physical activity are the most effective ways
to improve health. To get on track, start by writing down your goals. Then practise the 80-20 rule. Follow your plan 80 percent of the time, then allow yourself to indulge
20 percent of the time. This balanced mindset will help to offset feelings of failure and will help you set and achieve realistic goals. So no need to stress if a bad habit returns; just hit the reset button and continue on.

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