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Beginner Yoga Poses To Relieve Stress

In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy for stress to become a common state of mind. It’s this pressure of everyday life that has likely played a huge role in the popularity of yoga practices over the past few years. Created in ancient India, yoga has now become popular around the world and has been heralded as a natural remedy for stress and anxiety for centuries. The combination of physical movement and controlled breathing has the ability to transport your body and mind into a state of relaxation and even meditation. Next time you’re feeling stressed, take five minutes out of your day to move through these gentle poses that may help to clear your mind and release tension.


Photo: oksana_gligan on Instagram

Child’s Pose

Kneel on the ground with your face placed gently on the mat. Raise your arms and place them in front of you, with your palms facing down towards the mat. This resting posture is great because it elongates the lower back and opens the hips, both of which are areas that can suffer from compression after a day of sitting at a desk.


Photo: oksana_gligan on Instagram

Standing Forward Bend

Come to standing position. Exhale as you lean your upper body forward, reaching to touch your toes. Feel free to bend your legs if that is more comfortable. This simple pose stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips, while strengthening the thighs and knees. The reversion of blood flow to the brain is known to relieve stress and tension.


Photo: oksana_gligan on Instagram

Downward Dog

Begin on your hands and knees. Exhale as you tuck in your toes and lift your knees from the mat. Lift through your pelvis, pointing your tailbone towards the wall behind you. Straighten your legs, bringing your body to an “A” shape. The Downward dog pose stretches your hamstrings, calves and spine, while encouraging the flow of blood to the brain, calming the nervous system and relieving stress. 


Photo: oksana_gligan on Instagram

Extended Triangle Pose

Stand with your feet four feet apart. Lift your arms parallel to the mat with your palms facing downwards. Turn your right foot to a 90 degree angle, with your right thigh facing outwards in the same direction as the right foot. Inhale and reach to the right, shifting your hips towards the left. Exhale and bend to the right, lowering your right hand to your ankle, with your arms perpendicular to the floor. Look up towards your left hand. This full body stretch strengthens your back and neck while opening up the chest and shoulders.