Page 21 - Real Style Spring 2019
P. 21

 RS: How is yoga different from other exercise?
RS: What are some common, incorrect assumptions about yoga?
MC: That you need to be super flexible or skilled to begin; I’ve heard people say “I’m too stiff to try yoga” - that’s like saying you’re too dirty to take a shower! The beautiful thing about yoga is that
MC: Many people associate yoga with just the physical postures, or asana, but there are actually 8 limbs of yoga which include the postures, breathing, meditation, guidelines for living, and more. So, for me yoga is a lifestyle and a daily practice. Yoga helps me stay mobile, fluid,
it is for every BODY - you just need to find the style and the pose variations that suit your needs. I used to believe that if I couldn’t do a whole hour then it wasn’t worth getting on my mat. SO WRONG. A little bit of yoga each day can go a long way and can make a huge difference in how you feel physically and mentally.
flexible, and strong but it also allows me to tune in, be grounded, stay calm, find clarity, feel fierce, and overcome challenges.
RS: What are some of the key benefits practicing yoga?
MC: Improves flexibility, posture, and
Strengthens and tones your body. Brightens your mood.
Increases energy.
Relieves stress & tension.
Boosts immunity.
Improves mental functions (concentration, learning, memory.) And more!
RS: What advice do you have for people who have never tried yoga? MC: Find a style that appeals to you (I love to move so I love Vinyasa/Flow), and take it each day and each class at a time. It’s not a competition and it’s not about being “good” - it’s about showing up and giving yourself the gift of your full attention.

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