Page 51 - Real Style Spring 2017
P. 51

Beautiful inside and out
smoothie Power!
For the ultimate beauty booster, try Snyder’s green smoothie recipe. “I like to start my mornings with the Glowing Green Smoothie. This is the ultimate energy and beauty booster. It’s loaded with greens, lemon juice and some high  bre fruit, and packs a mega-punch of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and  bre. The high amounts of  bre combined with the enzymes also help to  ush pollutants and toxins out of your body, which is important for long-term vitality and youthfulness.”
1 juice 3 or 4 1
1 1
cups water
head organic spinach head organic romaine of 1⁄2 organic lemon sticks organic celery organic pear
organic apple organic banana
Mix and blend until smooth.
bEEt it
Beets don’t rate high on the popularity scale but it’s worth giving these oft- overlooked veggies
a second glance. “Beets are high in folate, vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, manganese and  bre,” says Snyder, of this beauty powerhouse. “They have anti-aging bene ts for your skin because they stimulate cell production and repair, which can protect your skin
from premature aging and wrinkles. The powerful antioxidants in beets also help  ght signs of aging to keep your skin  rm and youthful.”
PhotoS, iStoCk

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