Page 29 - Real Style August 2018
P. 29

 crowns, veneers and bridges,
as you want to access the least invasive and most economically feasible options possible.
RS:What are some easy things people can do to improve the look of their teeth?
JAO: One of the most noticeable things about your smile and likely the easiest thing to fix is the colour. Typically the first thing I would recommend to someone is bleaching. If
teeth are not aligned or there is rotation present, an orthodontic retainer or aligners can often reposition teeth in as short as
six months. Cosmetic bonding is a very useful tool to correct not only shape and size of teeth, but also colour, alignment, and unwanted spacing. It is painless, can be done in one visit, and requires no tooth preparation.
RS: What is the connection between the health of your mouth and the health of your body?
The appearance of your smile generally has tremendous impact on your confidence, self-esteem and general well-being.
 JAO: Poor oral health can result in tooth decay and periodontal disease, both of which can
cause premature tooth loss if they go unaddressed. This
gum recession and sensitivity. Electric toothbrushes are good
to use occasionally, but I don’t necessarily recommend my patients use them every day. When selecting an electric toothbrush, you should look for one with a smaller head, and you should brush passively, one tooth at a time, as opposed to long strokes.
will not only affect chewing and digestion of food, but can also cause pain. More serious implications of poor oral health include cardiovascular disease (increased risks of stoke, heart
attack, bacterial endocarditis), dementia, respiratory infections and diabetic complications. Furthermore, the appearance
can absolutely harm your teeth through bleaching, which is why it’s very important to consult your dentist prior to trying
of your smile generally has tremendous impact on your confidence, self-esteem and general well-being. Your oral health is strongly associated with your mental health, which can be the root of a wide array of many other health issues.
any of these at-home products. Ideally tooth wear, decay and areas of sensitivity should be addressed prior to proceeding with either form of bleaching.
RS: What are your thoughts on at-home teeth whitening products versus professional teeth whitening?
JAO: Professional teeth whitening is generally superior as it is customized to the patients needs, so it is safer to use and usually produces better results. At-home teeth whitening products for some patients
are very effective, and for
some patients are not. Patients on a budget may try these products first as they are more affordable than professional teeth whitening. However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for bleaching, especially if they have a lot of sensitivity. You
RS: Is there a type of high- quality toothbrush or brand you recommend?
JAO: Brand doesn’t necessarily matter. I always recommend patients use an ultra-soft manual toothbrush, as it is usually least abrasive on the teeth and gums. Many people do not realize that brushing too hard can actually be more harmful than beneficial, resulting in loss of enamel,

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