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5 Team Workouts To Help You Get In Shape Now

Photo: aqua.vida on Instagram 

Team-based workouts are a good way to stay motivated when it comes to fitness. Knowing you are part of a group or team often pushes you to do your best, and working out alongside friends and family can be an excellent way to keep up your personal fitness goals. From dance to CrossFit classes, we’ve curated our favourite team workouts to help you stay in shape and be part of a dynamic and active group at the same time. 


CrossFit classes are designed as a strength and conditioning program often used by military, police and athletes. It involves various movements inspired by gymnastics, weightlifting running, rowing, etc. and are performed at high intensity. There is also a data aspect involved with CrossFit and participants are able to monitor their performance through scoreboards, running a time clock and enforcing strict standards for each workout. This type of workout would be best for someone experienced looking to challenge themselves further.


Often associated with an older demographic, Aquafit is a great way to incorporate aquatics into your workout. There are various types of aquatic workouts from aqua yoga to water running. It may feel daunting to strip down into a swimsuit with a bunch of strangers but being underwater allows you to focus on yourself and your moves without feeling watched. The natural resistance of water is a good way to challenge your body and muscles without all the extra wear and tear.

Photo: pilates_sara on Instagram 


Pilates is a workout that can be done either with just a mat or with a machine called a reformer. The focus of Pilates is the art of control. When doing Pilates, participants are challenged to control body, mind and muscles. Many Pilates moves target what fitness gurus like to call the “powerhouse”, which is essentially abs, pelvic floor and lower back. Most gyms and fitness studios offer Pilates classes but since it can done with just a mat, you can round up friends for a quick DIY session.

Dance Classes

While all the workouts on this list are team-based, dance classes involve working towards a common goal. Participants learn choreography in parts and, by the end of the class, are able to perform a completed routine. From classical ballet to Beyonce-inspired classes, there are number to choose from at all experience levels. This is a fun way to get a full-body workout and show off your moves.


Combining body, mind and spirit, yoga is best for those looking for a more relaxing and restorative workout. You still reap the physical benefits but yoga challenges you to focus on yourself and your breathing while in a group setting.